Bacteria: Disadvantages

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  • Bacteria are our 'foes' as they are associated with several diseases of plants and animals including man due to parasitic mode of nutrition of some bacteria. Bacterial attack is less severe on plants than it is on animals.
  • Important bacterial diseases on plants are:
    1. Canker of Citrus (citrus canker) Xanthomonas citri
    2. Angular leaf spot of cotton X. malvacearum
    3. Fire blight of apples Erwinnia amylovora
    4. Crown gall of crops Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    5. Tondu of wheat Corynebacterium tritici
      • Important bacterial diseases on man are:
    6. Cyphillis Tryponema pallidum
    7. Plague (Black Death) Pasteurella pestis (Y. pestis)
    8. Chlorea Vibrio cholerae
    9. Anthrax Bacillus anthracis
    10. Pneumonia Diplococcus pneumonae
    11. Tuberculosis (TB) Mycobacterium tuberculoses
    12. Typhoid (Enteric fever) Salmonella typhi
    13. Bacterial dysentery Bacillus dysentrae (Shigella)
    14. Amoeboid dysentery Entamoeba histolytica (Protozoa)
    15. Tetanus (Lock jaw) Closteridium tetani
    16. Ptomaine (deadly food poisoning) Closteridium botulinum
    17. Leprosy Bacillus lepri (Mycobacterium lepri)
    18. Diptheria Corynebacterium diptherae
    19. Erysepalas (deadly blood Streptococcus

    Poisoning; Death of RBC's)

    1. Whooping cough Bordetella partusis
    2. Gonorrhoea Neisseria gonorrhoae

    Bacterial diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery etc are water borne diseases: tuberculosis, plague etc are air-borne diseases whereas disease like tetanus spreads through wounds. Syphilis is transmitted through sexual contact. Transmission of leprosy through contact is a matter of dispute. India based Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize for her service to leprosy patients in West Bengal and other parts of India


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